The litigation and advocacy concentration focuses on the tools needed for a successful career in the courtroom. In required courses, students learn about federal and state rules of evidence, the process of litigation, counseling clients and written and oral advocacy for the clients. Elective courses allow students to branch out into of the issues in litigation and advocacy. An experiential course is required to complete the concentration. The faculty adviser for this concentration is José Anderson
Attention: The requirements for this concentration have been updated for students who are subject to the experiential requirement.
The list below is for students who are NOT subject to the experiential requirement.
Required courses:
Trial Advocacy
Litigation Process
Choose one of the following:
Advanced Trial Advocacy
Bench Trial Advocacy
Civil Discovery in the Digital Age: Law and Process
Discovery Practice and Procedure
Federal Courts
Forensic Evidence
Maritime Law
Maryland Administrative Law
Maryland Civil Procedure
Maryland Criminal Practice
Mediation Skills
Medical Malpractice Litigation
Products Liability
Choose one of the following upper level writing courses:
Appellate Advocacy Workshop
Moot Court Team (must write a brief; Trial Advocacy Teams will not fulfill this requirement)
Supreme Court Workshop
Choose one of the following experiential courses or activities:
Civil Advocacy Clinic I
Mental Health Law Clinic
Family Law Clinic I
Innocence Project Clinic
Mediation Clinic for Families I
Criminal Prosecution Clinic
Tax Clinic I
Veterans Advocacy Clinic I
While not part of the concentrations requirements, the following courses are recommended for students wanting to specialize in litigation and advocacy:
Administrative Law
Conflict of Laws
Environmental and Toxic Torts Seminar
Mediating Family Disputes: Theory and Practice
Any Inter-school Advocacy Team
Master Class in Trial Lawyering
Maryland Civil Procedure