The business law concentration allows students to enroll in courses ranging from taxation and banking to international trade and finance. Knowledge obtained in the classroom is applied in one of the required experiential courses such as the Community Development Clinic or the Attorney Practice Externship. The faculty advisors for this concentration are Fred Brown, Jaime Alison Lee and Barbara White.
Required Courses
Business Organizations (recommended taking in second year, preferably first semester for day students; recommend taking in second or third year for evening students)
Federal Income Tax(recommend take in second year for day students; recommend taking in second or third year for evening students)
Choose one of the following:
Sales and Leases
Secured Transactions
Choose three of the following courses. Of the three courses, one must either satisfy the scholarly writing requirement or be designated below as a writing course for purposes of the concentration. Additionally, one of the courses must be experiential. (While three courses must be taken in this category, a particular course may count as both an experiential course and a designated writing course for purposes of this category’s requirements).
Advanced Business Organizations Seminar (scholarly writing)
Advanced Legal Research involving business law topic that is approved by the
Business Law Concentration Advisors (writing)
Attorney Practice Externship
involving business law that is approved by the Director of the Attorney Practice Externship in consultation with the Business Law Concentration Advisors (experiential)
Banking Law Workshop (experiential) (writing)
Business Planning Workshop
Community Development Clinic(experiential) (writing)
Corporate Counsel Externship
Corporate Taxation
Fundamentals of Federal Income Tax II
International Business Transactions
MSBA - UBalt Business Law Clerkship Fellow
(experiential) (writing)
Partnership Taxation
Securities Regulation
Tax Clinic I (experiential) (writing)
Transactional Skills Workshop
(experiential) (writing)
While not part of the concentration requirements, the following courses are recommended for students wanting to specialize in Business Law :
Administrative Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Remedies
Civil Discovery in the Digital Age: Law and Process
Collective Bargaining
Construction Law
Cyberspace Law Seminar
Employment Discrimination Law
Employment Law
Government Contracting Seminar
Labor Law
Law and Economics
Sports Law
Tax Policy Seminar
Workers' Compensation