Students concentrating in intellectual property enroll in courses that discuss copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. Coursework also addresses the policies underlying the protection of intellectual property and compares the different ways intellectual property can be used to protect commercial interests in the areas of technology and the arts. The faculty advisers for this concentration are Professor William Hubbard and Professor Max Oppenheimer.
Attention the requirements for this concentration have been updated for students who are subject to the experiential requirement.
The list below is for students who are NOT subject to the experiential requirement.
Students complete the intellectual property concentration by enrolling in courses complying with the requirements listed below. Descriptions of these courses can be found here.
I. Foundation Courses: Choose two of the following.
- Copyright and the Arts (Law 713)
- Patent Law (Law 761)
- Trademarks and Unfair Competition (Law 767)
II. Advanced Courses: Choose three of the following, one of which must satisfy the scholarly upper-level writing requirement.
- International Intellectual Property (Law 703)
- Intellectual Property Survey (Law 766)
- Patent Litigation Workshop (Law 879)
- Patent Prosecution Workshop (taught as an instance of IP Current Developments Law 845)
- Trademark Workshop (taught as an instance of IP Current Developments Law 845)
- Any other offerings titled IP Current Developments (Law 845)
- Media Law Seminar (Law 851)
- Law & Biotechnology (Law 857)
- Patents, Trademark and Copyright Law Seminar (Law 867)
- Entertainment Law Workshop (Law 881)
- Advanced Legal Research involving an intellectual property law topic (approved by intellectual property advisers)
III. Experiential Requirement: Choose one of the following courses or activities.
- A credited externship involving intellectual property law that is approved by the Director of Externships in consultation with Intellectual Propoerty Concentration advisors (viable substitution)
- American Intellectual Property Law Association Moot Court Team
- Saul Lefkowitz Brand Names Foundation Moot Court Team
- Cardozo-BMI Entertainment and Communications Law Moot Court Team
IV. Recommended Courses: While not required, the following courses are recommended for students wanting to specialize in intellectual property.
- Antitrust Law (Law 700)
- Cyberspace Law Seminar (Law 875)
- Opportunity Analysis (Law 542)
- Sports Law (Law 763)