On average, 75% of TCAP participants graduate from the program by substantially reducing their unexcused absences and improving their grades and behavior.
Data indicate that participation in the Tackling Chronic Absenteeism Project (TCAP) makes a dramatic difference in attendance rates and school behavior, with approximately 75% of participants graduating from the program. Students graduate when they achieve a 65% reduction in unexcused absences and/or tardies or an improvement across absences/tardies where the TCAP Team chooses to graduate a student for such improvement. Data also show that the TCAP's impact extends throughout the school year and throughout the rest of the school.
For more information, download a presentation on the TCAP made by CFCC Director Professor Barbara A. Babb at the National Leadership Summit on School-Justice Partnerships: Keeping Kids In School and Out of Court, entitled "A Law School's Truancy Court Program: Changing the Lives of Students Inside the Public School Classroom...and Inside the School of Law."
CFCC has worked with many school districts to implement the TCAP in targeted schools. We offer a menu of options, ranging from training and technical assistance to on-site operation of the program. If you are interested to address truancy in your school or district, please contact us to get started.
The Truancy Court Program Toolkit, 2nd Edition, developed by CFCC, shares the tools and resources needed to enable other communities to implement a chronic absenteeism project (TCAP). The Toolkit includes detailed descriptions of the TCAP Team, a step-by-step instruction guide, a comprehensive collection of forms for use in creating a TCAP and a guide to certain legal and social situations and solutions.
CFCC also offers a full implementation support package that includes copies of the Toolkit, along with technical assistance and consulting support to establish a chronic absenteeism project. More information and a downloadable sales sheet are available on our Publications and Resources page.