1. Attorney-Client Relationship
Students will be able to create an attorney-client relationship guided by the principles of client-centered lawyering, which ensures that the client is at the center of the representation and recognized as the ultimate decision-maker.
2. Legal Analysis
Students will be able to conduct legal analysis by identifying and analyzing relevant facts; identifying relevant law; formulating legal theories; and evaluating legal theories. Students will conduct legal analysis by combining law and facts in a given situation to generate, justify and assess the relative merits of alternative legal positions. -
3. Case and Project Theory Development and Case Planning
Students will be able to create case and project theories for each case and project on which they work. The students will be able to create a case or project theory that is a storyline that explains what happened to the client and why she should prevail in her legal matter. The case theory will be constructed around the client’s goals and the relevant law and facts. Case and project planning involves strategic planning and decision-making about how best to understand and achieve the client’s goals and gather the relevant law and facts that will be used to develop the case theory. Students will also be able to create project theories for their systemic advocacy projects. -
4. Time and Case Management
Students will be able to be effective in their time and case management to ensure that all lawyering and other clinic-related activities are undertaken and completed in a timely and thorough manner.
5. Oral and Written Advocacy
Students will be able to advocate orally and in writing by expressing their positions clearly and persuasively in client representation and systemic advocacy projects.
6. Collaboration and Professionalism
Students will be able to collaborate effectively and professionally by working with others in a manner that enhances the client representation and project work. Professionalism involves internalizing and employing the skills necessary to perform the lawyer role civilly and effectively. It also involves understanding, considering and complying with the rules of professional responsibility. Professionalism also includes conducting oneself with academic integrity.
7. Self-Evaluation
Students will be able to evaluate their own work by comparing their performance to standards, including those set by the student attorney, the clinical professors, the rules of professional responsibility and/or other student attorneys.
8. Self-Reflection
Students will be able to engage in effective self-reflection, which is intentional thinking about what one does as a lawyer and how society operates. It involves articulating observations about one’s experience in order to develop insights that may serve as the bases for future actions. Self-reflection is an essential part of learning from experience.