Law Prof. Astrachan: Impact of Abandoned Trademark is Difficult to Predict
March 17, 2025
Writing in The Daily Record, James B. Astrachan, an adjunct faculty member in The University of Baltimore School of Law and an expert in trademark, copyright and intellectual property law, says that a recent legal case involving the Proud Boys' loss of their trademark to a church is complicated by what the "abandonment" of a mark can mean.

Syed Case Continues Through UBalt Law School's Innocence Project Clinic
February 28, 2025
The case of Adnan Syed - the subject of the highly influential podcast series, Serial - draws closer to a close with the help of The University of Baltimore School of Law's Innocence Project Clinic.

UBalt Law Prof. John Bessler on SCOTUS Ruling in Glossip v. Oklahoma
February 26, 2025
University of Baltimore School of Law Prof. John Bessler, a noted scholar on death penalty cases and the history of its use in punishment, has written extensively about the facts behind the Supreme Court's just-announced decision, Glossip v. Oklahoma. Prof. Bessler is currently teaching capital punishment seminars at the School of Law and at the Georgetown University Law Center.

School of Law Dean Reed: 'We're Focusing on the Preparedness of Our Students'
December 20, 2024
Interviewed by The AFRO newspaper, University of Baltimore School of Law Dean LaVonda N. Reed says that under her leadership the school is ensuring that law students will find success, both in the classroom and in the field.

UBalt Law Profs. Hubbard and Starger: State Driving Laws Fail to Regulate Self-Driving Vehicles
December 13, 2024
In a forthcoming article in the Cardozo Law Review, University of Baltimore School of Law Profs. William Hubbard and Colin P. Starger assert that the nation's current slate of state driving laws are inadequate to the task of regulating automated vehicles.
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