This specialized attorney externship provides a unique opportunity for students to work on the client-side of corporate law by externing at either private or public sector general counsel offices. The course focuses on the role and responsibilities of in-house counsel, the work of a corporate law department, ethics and the development of legal skills including research, analysis, writing and problem solving. The course also helps students develop connections and competencies useful in pursuing a corporate counsel career.
What is a Corporate Counsel Externship?
- A Corporate Counsel Externship is a specialized attorney externship course.
- The course allows students to receive academic credit for legal work completed under the supervision of an attorney working at a public or private sector general counsel office.
- The course is a total of 3 credits which includes both the fieldwork and the weekly seminar.
- Students must complete at least 130 hours in the field placement and are encouraged to spread their hours evenly over the semester. Students must work at least 10 weeks.
- The seminar will include students in a mix of corporate counsel placements and will focus on the role of a general counsel.
When can I complete a Corporate Counsel Externship?
- After you have completed 28 credits towards your JD degree (1L curriculum)
- The concurrent weekly seminar and writing requirements are required to receive academic credit.
- The Corporate Counsel Externship course is generally offered in the Spring semester. A student placed at a corporate counsel office may elect to take the general Attorney Practice Externship seminar if the Corporate Counsel course is not offered or feasible.
- Seminars will be conducted online through a combination of synchronous Zoom sessions and asynchronous writing and discussion assignments. You must be available to attend the synchronous Zoom sessions.
Does a Corporate Counsel Externship fulfill my experiential learning requirements?
- All students in the J.D. program must complete at least 6 credits of experiential learning, at least 3 of which must be a live-client experience (Clinic or Externship with an attorney)
- A Corporate Counsel Externship fulfills the 3 credit, live-client, experiential learning graduation requirement.
How do I participate in a Corporate Counsel Externship?
- The UBalt Law Externship Program identifies a number of potential host agencies for the Spring Corporate Counsel program and conducts a resume collect in the fall.
- Announcements will be made in September and October regarding available opportunities and application timelines. There is no guarantee that the placement will offer you an externship.
- You can also look on UBalt Law Connect for posted opportunities, or you can find your own corporate counsel placement.
- Please make an appointment with a Law Career Development Office counselor or Prof. Lall, Director of Externships, for additional guidance.
How do I know if it is an appropriate placement?
- Placements may be paid or unpaid. Paid externships are subject to a separate approval process.
- You may extern for a current or former employer if you submit an Educational Plan and the Director of Externships approves the placement as a substantively new learning experience
- Field placements may be conducted at both public and private sector general counsel offices in both the for-profit and non-profit sector
- At least one of the field placement supervisors must be an attorney with at least 3 years of experience. In the case of JD Advantage placements, like legal compliance, the supervisor needs to have completed law school and have three years of relevant legal experience.
- Externships at an office where you have a close relative working are presumptively inappropriate.
Are remote placements allowed?
- Externships may be fully in-person, fully remote, or a hybrid of in-person and remote work
- Discuss expectations around in-person and remote work when you are interviewing. Make sure that you and the field placement supervisor have a mutual understanding of what will be required of you.
How do I submit my placement for approval?
- Externships must be submitted for approval on UB Law Connect.
- Paid externships are subject to a separate approval process and must be submitted for approval at least 3 weeks before classes begin.
- Remote placements require a structured schedule with regular work hours that overlap with the supervisor’s work schedule. Students may not complete remote externship hours while they are in class or working at another job.