Want to get legal experience while in law school? Become a UBalt student.
Every UBalt Law student gets practical experience. It's required. Experience is acquired through externships or through clinics. You also have the option of getting experience after your first summer.
First Year Summer Experience
The EXPLOR program is your first step into the legal community.
The Law Career Development Office can help you find placement in the summer after your first year. Placements are for 8-10 weeks, 16-20 hours per week.
Students perform legal research, observe legal proceedings and participate in client meetings. Placements are with judges (Circuit and District courts), Maryland appellate courts and federal courts in Maryland. Law firm, public-interest and government agency placements are also available.
For-credit externships for upper-level students.
Law clinics: Represent clients under the supervision of UBalt School of Law faculty.
UBalt Law clinics are ranked 15th in the nation.
The UBalt School of Law has 13 clinics in which students are allowed to practice law under Rule 19-217 of the Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of Maryland.
Saul Ewing Civil Advocacy Clinic
Caseloads are diverse, touching on many areas of civil practice, including housing, consumer, education and public benefits law. More about UBalt Law Clinics.
Community Development Clinic
Students help clients structure and form nonprofit organizations, corporations, partnerships and LLCs; counsel boards and staff about their legal duties and best practices in running a nonprofit or small business; help organizations apply for tax exemption or 501(c)(3) status; draft and review contracts; and advise clients on what they can and can't do under the law, or under a contract, grant or other legal paperwork. More about UBalt law clinics.
Criminal Practice Clinic
Students practice criminal law in the trial courts of Maryland, under Rule 19-217 of the Rules Governing Admission to the Bar. Students prosecute or defend persons charged with crimes such as assault, drug offenses, alcohol-related charges, disorderly conduct, theft and the like. As a student lawyer, you investigate, interview witnesses/clients, negotiate plea agreements, argue motions, give opening statements and closing arguments, direct- and cross-examine witnesses and more. More about UBalt law clinics.
Mental Health Law Clinic
Students represent patients in involuntary civil commitment hearings at the Sheppard Pratt psychiatric hospital. Students engage in client interview and counseling sessions, review medical records, and engage in case preparation and development by interviewing a psychiatrist and, often, family members. More about UBalt law clinics.
Bronfein Family Law Clinic
Students represent low-income clients seeking child custody, support, divorce, adoption and civil remedies for domestic violence. We also work on systemic law reform projects aimed at increasing access to justice in family law. More about UBalt law clinics.
Human Trafficking Prevention Project
The project focuses on reducing the collateral consequences of criminal justice involvement for survivors of human trafficking and those populations most vulnerable to exploitation. Under faculty supervision, student-attorneys represent clients filing expungement, shielding, and state or federal pardon petitions.They also represent survivors of sex trafficking who seek to vacate their prostitution convictions under Maryland's "vacating convictions" law. Students also work on special projects, including community education presentations, and engage in legislative advocacy at the state and federal levels to support systemic criminal justice reform. More about UBalt law clinics
Immigrant Rights Clinic
Students serve clinic clients in a variety of matters, from written filings for crime survivors (domestic violence, trafficking and other crimes) that are submitted to the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, to asylum and other matters that are heard in Baltimore’s immigration court. More about UBalt law clinics.
Innocence Project Clinic
Students in the IPC interview witnesses, clients and potential clients. They also conduct factual investigation, draft motions and briefs, and negotiate and argue motions in trial courts. More about UBalt law clinics.
Juvenile Justice Project
Recent Supreme Court case law has set limits on life prison sentences for children, opening the door to an array of options for reducing long sentences. Student-attorneys, working under the supervision of faculty, represent clients serving life sentences in an effort to secure release. More about UBalt law clinics.
Mediation Clinic for Families
Students both mediate disputes themselves and represent clients in mediation. The types of disputes for which students may provide mediation or client representation include child custody and visitation, divorce, foreclosure of the family home, wills and school conflicts. More about UBalt law clinics.
Pretrial Justice Clinic
In collaboration with the Office of the Public Defender and under the supervision of a faculty member, students screen cases for intake, represent clients in bail review hearings, file habeas corpus petitions and undertake appellate litigation. Students are responsible for all aspects of representing clients within the scope of challenging bail, including reviewing transcripts for intake, interviewing clients and family, conducting fact investigation, drafting litigation documents and conducting hearings. Students also collect and analyze data to inform the development of new litigation and legislative strategies to support systemic efforts at law reform addressing mass incarceration. More about UBalt law clinics.
Tax Clinic
Students are responsible for all aspects of representing clients, including interviewing and counseling clients, developing case strategy, engaging in fact investigation and discovery, drafting documents, negotiating with adversaries, and conducting hearings and trials. Typical student work includes arguing innocent-spouse applications, preparing audit reconsiderations, briefing and appearing in collection matters (including Collection Due Process hearings and offers in compromise) and handling cases in Tax Court, including appearing at Tax Court calendar calls. More about UBalt law clinics.
The Bob Parsons Veterans Advocacy Clinic
Students represent veterans before courts and administrative agencies in diverse civil and veterans' benefits matters. Students may also engage in community education, legislative projects and other systemic efforts at law reform. More about UBalt law clinics.
- Want more information about student success at the UBalt School of Law? Request more information or schedule a visit.