Financing your legal education begins before you step into a classroom and continues after you graduate. Prior to entering law school you should have enough money to cover the expenses of moving into an apartment: security deposit, first two months rent, utilities, food and insurance (health, car, renter’s); and have sufficient available credit to cover books, a few week's worth of groceries and other expenses.
University of Baltimore participates in the Direct Loan Program to process federally guaranteed student loans. The Office of Financial Aid website provides more information about this program.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) when it becomes available Do not wait until after you are offered admission to submit the FAFSA. The UBalt code is 002102
Visit the Office of Financial Aid website, email, or call at 410.837.4763 with questions about special conditions or other concerns.
The Office of Financial Aid emails award offers to students who have completed the FAFSA. You may accept or decline your award using your MyUB account. Visit the Office of Financial Aid Calendar for a schedule of award dates.
Instructions on how to Accept/Decline/Reduce your award, complete a Master Promissory Note and complete the required Entrance Interview, are accessible through your MYUB account.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a need-analysis tool developed by the U.S. Department of Education. It is the document that the federal government uses to determine how much of your tuition you are able to pay, and how much money you are eligible to receive.
There is no charge for the collection and processing of data or the delivery of financial aid through this form. Complete the FAFSA online when it becomes available.
Prepare your federal tax returns early, some of the information requested on the FAFSA is available directly from your tax returns.
The University of Baltimore’s school code is 002102.
Be sure to answer “yes” to the questions:
Are you a graduate or professional student?
Have you completed a bachelor’s degree program by July 1?All graduate/professional students are considered independent of their parents for the federal loan programs therefore parent information is not required.