- New Mexico Training on Unified Family Courts, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Provided presentations on the structure, theoretical foundations, advantages, physical attributes, operation, services, and performance evaluation of Unified Family Courts in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts (December 2008).
- Shelby County Family Court Task Force, Memphis, Tennessee. Developed workshop and provided technical assistance to Memphis task force considering a Unified Family Court model (January 2008).
- Summit on Unified Family Courts: Serving Children and Families Efficiently, Effectively and Responsibly, Baltimore, Maryland. Over one hundred fifty judges, court personnel, attorneys and academic experts representing twenty-five states attended the Summit, co-sponsored by the American Bar Association and CFCC and funded by the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts and Casey Family Programs. The conference covered issues critical to the development of Unified Family Courts, including services and accountability, standards and measures to assess Unified Family Courts, the critical need for judicial leadership and training, the ways to establish Unified Family Courts, the critical need for judicial leadership and training, the ways to establish a Unified Family Court, addiction and other non-legal issues, collaboration in the legal community, and self-represented litigants (2007).
- American Bar Association (ABA) Truancy Court Program Initiative, ABA Standing Committee on Substance Abuse. Provided technical assistance and wrote a project report for the Scripps-Howard Truancy/Literacy Project (2002-2003).
Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. Provided technical assistance to the unified family court pilot site. (2002)
District of Columbia Family Court Project, District of Columbia Superior Court. Drafted Congressionally-mandated legislation establishing a family court in the D.C. court system (2001).
- Summit on Redefining Florida's Family Courts, Florida Family Courts. Assisted Florida judicial circuit courts to facilitate family court pilot projects and developed recommendations for model court (2001).
- Discussion Paper and Program on Unified Family Courts, California Administrative Office of the Courts. Presented information about Unified Family Court model during an interactive workshop (2001).