Exams are a method of assessment for students. Within this exam webpage students can find information about technology requirements, grading, deferrals and frequently asked questions. For specific information about in-person final, mid-term and take-home exams, please utilize the links on the left. Students who have questions or concerns about exam administration should contact the School of Law, Exams Administration at exams@ubalt.edu
Exam Soft and Technology Requirements
The School of Law utilizes Exam Soft for exam administration. Students must have the latest version of the software downloaded onto their laptops. Laptops are required for all students in the School of Law. The School of Law is not responsible for providing laptops to students during the semester or any exam period.
Students who are experiencing difficulties with Exam Soft are encouraged to contact Exam Soft Technical Support at (866) 429-8889 or the Office of Technology Services , prior to the day of their exam.
Specific technology requirements can be found at the following link: Tech for Students (ubalt.edu)
Students are encouraged to take a practice exam and download it 24 hours before. Do not wait until exam day to download and install Examplify. Instructions about how to download a practice exam will be e-mailed to students.
Step by Step Instructions for Taking your Exam
Anonymous Grading
Each student is identified by a confidential exam number. This is sometimes known as a blind ID or anonymous ID number. Exam numbers are randomly generated and are assigned to each student. The generation process is different between mid-terms and finals. Students are given a different mid-term and final exam number each semester. Your anonymous ID number can be found in Examplify.
Reasonable Accommodations
The law school continuously works to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). For detailed information on reasonable accommodations, please see the student handbook .
If you are a student with a documented disability who requires an accommodation for academic programs, exams, or access to the University’s facilities, please contact Erin Brady, the Law School’s Director of Student Support, at ebrady@ubalt.edu or the University’s Office of Disability and Access Services at das@ubalt.edu .
Classroom accommodation requests should be submitted 2 weeks before the start of the semester. Exam accommodation requests should be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the semester starts.
Examination deferrals may be granted for the following situations only:
• Two examinations at the same time. If two exams are scheduled at the same time on the same day, the exam in the required course must be taken and the other deferred. If both are electives, one must be taken at the scheduled time.
• Two exams scheduled to start within 24 hours. If two exams are scheduled to start within 24 hours, the exam in the required course must be taken and the other deferred. If both are electives, one must be taken at the scheduled time. For purposes of this rule, two exams that start at the same time (e.g. 9am) on two consecutive days do not start within 24 hours of each other and are therefore not eligible for a deferral.
• Religious reasons.No deferrals shall be granted for personal reasons including student employment, graduations and/or weddings. Only in-class examinations may be deferred. Take home exams cannot be deferred. Students will be notified via e-mail from Exam Administration regarding deferrals.
Proctoring Guidelines
Students taking final exams will be given a recorded pre-exam announcement. Those announcements may be previewed here:
Multi-person room
Single-person roomFinal exams are proctored by staff and managed by the Office of Academic Affairs. Mid-term exams are proctored by the faculty member of the course or the faculty member’s administrative assistant.
Anyone with questions about exam proctoring should contact School of Law, Exam Administration exams@ubalt.edu
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What is the difference between Examplify and Exam Soft?
Examplify is the student interface for ExamSoft, the computer-based testing software used by the School of Law for exams. Students' complete assessments from multiple courses using Examplify.
What happens if I have technical difficulties during the exam?
Don’t panic! Your work is saved every 60-seconds. If a technical issue arises during the exam, first attempt to re-boot your computer. If rebooting does not work, please let the proctor know right away.
What should you do if you don’t get the green screen or cannot upload your exam?
Don’t panic! If your exam ended it is safely saved to the server. The last step is to reconnect to the internet to get it to upload. There are times that you may experience trouble obtaining an internet connection in the building. Please take the following steps.1. Re-start your computer. Do not worry, your information is saved.
2. Once you re-start, log back into Examplify and attempt to upload the exam again.
3. If you still cannot get an internet connection, once you get home you should attempt to reconnect again. If you do this on the same day of your exam,
it will not cause any issues or a delay with your professor receiving it.What if I am running late for my exam?
Students who arrive once an exam has started should quietly find a seat at the front of the classroom and start the exam on their laptop. The proctor in the room will provide any additional exam materials. Late students are not granted additional time and will be manually stopped at the same time the exam ends for the rest of the class.What if my exam is not available to download when I log-in to Examplify?
Most times this can be resolved by doing the following. In the bottom left corner click “Refresh Exam List”. If that doesn’t work, then go to home, settings, and then clear registration. After clearing the registration, Examplify will shut down and you must sign in again. If this doesn’t work, you may contact the proctor on duty.
Can I bring food with me?
Yes, snack food is allowed. Students should be mindful not to bring food which causes minimal distractions or has a strong smell.
Can I have scrap paper?
Students are provided with a blue cover book with your exam. This cover is to be used for scrap paper.What if I need to go to the restroom during the exam?
Students who need to go to the restroom should sign out with the proctor at the front of the room and exit quietly. You may not take anything with you or discuss the exam with anyone inside or outside of the classroom.What if I have an emergency during the exam or see someone cheating?
Report this information to the proctor immediately.When can I contact my professor?
Most professors will allow you to reach out to them with questions up to 24 hours before the beginning of your exam start date/time. Contacting your professor is dependent on the individual professor. Contacting your professor after you have started your exam is considered an honor code violation, as it jeopardizes anonymous grading. Once you have started your exam, you are prohibited from contacting your professor until grades are released. If you have questions, please contact exams@ubalt.edu.What if I am unclear about part of the exam? Who should I reach out to with questions?
Because students are taking exams at different dates and times, we are unable to obtain information from faculty and provide responses to individual test takers. State the question that you have within your response and answer the question to the best of your ability
Can I talk with my classmates about the exam after taking the exam?
You are not permitted to speak about the substance of the exam with anyone until after grades are posted. There are students who may be taking the exam at a later date. Discussing the exam with anyone can lead to cheating, which is an honor code violation.What if I finish my exam before the rest of my classmates?
If there are more than 10 minutes left in the exam, take your exam and the blue cover (along with any materials your professor has requested to be turned in) to the proctor and exit the room quietly. If the proctor has announced that there are 10 minutes left in the exam, stay in your seat so not to disturb the rest of the class. Your exam will be collected when the exam is over.How will I know if my exam is open book or closed?
Before the exam period begins, students can ask their professor. Once the exam period has begun, students can find this information on the cover page of the final exam.