For more information, or a report from a specific project, or to learn more about CFCC's consulting and technical assistance, contact CFCC's Faculty Director, Assistant Professor Shanta Trivedi, at 410.837.5661 or
UFC Feasibility Study, Douglas County, Nebraska. CFCC has completed a comprehensive feasibility study for the Nebraska Judicial Branch and Douglas County, Nebraska, to determine what steps to undertake in order to implement a unified family court pilot project in Douglas County, the state’s largest jurisdiction. The project has involved a review of current court operations; designing and implementing extensive stakeholder engagement opportunities, including an educational presentation, listening sessions and a forum in Omaha attended by more than 150 judges, court staff, attorneys and service providers; one-on-one interviews with judicial leaders; and organizing and guiding Nebraska officials through a three-day site visit to observe Maryland’s Family Divisions and to connect with Maryland judicial leaders, including the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals and the State Court Administrator. The study has resulted in a comprehensive report with recommendations for both short- and long-term steps, now being considered by Nebraska officials. (2018)
Keynote address and presentation at the California Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference. CFCC Founder and Director, Professor Barbara Babb, provided the keynote address, “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Unified Family Courts: A Bright Light for Family Reorganization.” (February 19, 2016)
Keynote address at the Maine State Bar Association Annual Meeting. CFCC Founder and Director, Professor Barbara Babb, provided the keynote address, “Relations and Rights: Emerging Issues for Maine Families." (January 30–31, 2014)
Training for the Utah State Legislature. CFCC Senior Fellow Gloria Danziger presented a training on the incorporation of juvenile matters into a unified family. (2011)
Presentation to the Louisiana Judiciary of New Orleans. CFCC Founder and Director, Professor Barbara Babb presented “Unified Family Courts: Their Structure, Theoretical Underpinnings, Advantages, Concerns, Assessment.” (August 13, 2009)
Presentation to Egyptian Judges at the Family Division of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City. CFCC Founder and Director, Professor Barbara Babb, presented “Unified Family Courts” to visiting Egyptian family court judges whose study visit was sponsored by the US Agency for International Development. (June 2, 2009)
Supervised Visitation and Monitored Exchange. CFCC staff and Student Fellows completed a Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography for the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts. (2009)
Parent Education Programs. CFCC staff and Student Fellows completed a Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography for the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts. (2009)
Child Custody Evaluations in Family Court Proceedings. CFCC staff and Student Fellows completed a Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography for the Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts. (2009)
New Mexico Training on Unified Family Courts, Santa Fe, New Mexico. CFCC provided presentations on the structure, theoretical foundations, advantages, physical attributes, operation, services and performance evaluation of unified family courts in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts. (2008)
Shelby County Family Court Task Force, Memphis, Tennessee. CFCC developed a workshop and provided technical assistance to a Memphis task force considering a unified family court model. (2008)
Summit on Unified Family Courts: Serving Children and Families Efficiently, Effectively and Responsibly, Baltimore, Maryland. More than 150 judges, court personnel, attorneys and academic experts representing twenty-five states attended the two-day Summit in Baltimore, co-sponsored by the American Bar Association and CFCC and funded by the ABA, Maryland Administrative Office of the Courts and Casey Family Programs. The conference covered issues critical to the development of unified family courts, including services and accountability, standards and measures to assess unified family courts, the critical need for judicial leadership and training, managing cases involving substance use and other non-legal issues, collaboration in the legal community and self-represented litigants. (2007)
Presentation to Toronto, Ontario, Family Court Judges and Staff. CFCC Founder and Director, Professor Barbara Babb, presented comprehensive comparisons of unified family courts in the U.S. and suggested reforms for Ontario’s family court system. (2004)
American Bar Association (ABA) Truancy Court Program Initiative, ABA Standing Committee on Substance Abuse. CFCC staff provided technical assistance and developed a report for the Scripps-Howard Truancy/Literacy Project. (2002–2003)
UFC Pilot Site, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. CFCC staff provided technical assistance to the unified family court pilot site. (2002)
Representing Children in CINA (Children in Need of Assistance) Matters. CFCC presented several Attorney Training Workshops with topics including: guidelines for representing children under the CINA statutes; direct and cross-examination of witnesses in CINA proceedings; “considered judgment” issues in representing children; and psychological issues in representing CINA children. CFCC also published a manual for children’s attorneys which included chapters on developmental and medical aspects of abused and neglected children, the role of counsel in CINA proceedings and the steps involved in representing a child in a CINA proceeding. (2002)
Pro Se Assistance Project. CFCC staff conducted a survey about Maryland’s Pro Se Assistance Projects for the Maryland Legal Services Corporation. (2003)
Child Custody Representation Project. CFCC staff conducted a survey about child custody representation in Maryland for the Maryland Legal Services Corporation. (2003)
Family Division, Ninth Judicial Circuit, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. CFCC staff conducted an extensive examination of the Family Division of Michigan’s Ninth Judicial Circuit. They engaged in a series of interviews, identified the court system’s strengths and weaknesses and made recommendations for change. (2002-2003)
Indiana Family Court Initiative, Indiana Supreme Court. CFCC staff conducted a comprehensive evaluation of pilot family court initiatives in three Indiana counties. The evaluation included outcome and performance measures; collection and analysis of case data, survey instruments and other documentation; and written evaluations and recommendations for future development and expansion of family court efforts. CFCC also identified better court practices for children and their families, as implemented in the pilot sites, including the development of a family court handbook, improvements in case management activities, case tracking and information sharing and modifications to the handling of complex dissolution matters in order to provide more timely and effective services to high-conflict families. (2001)
District of Columbia Family Court Project, District of Columbia Superior Court. CFCC staff drafted Congressionally-mandated legislation establishing a family court in the D.C. court system. (2001)
Summit on Redefining Florida's Family Courts, Florida Family Courts. CFCC staff assisted Florida’s Circuit Courts to facilitate family court pilot projects and developed recommendations for a model unified family court. (2001)
Discussion Paper and Program on Unified Family Courts, California Administrative Office of the Courts. CFCC staff presented information about the unified family court model during an interactive workshop. (2001)
Attorney Education Workshop. CFCC staff organized two attorney trainings funded by the Maryland Department of Human Resources, including “Representing Children in Child Dependency Matters” and “Evidentiary Issues and Trial Techniques.” (2001–2002)