University of Baltimore School of Law in conjunction with University of Haifa Faculty of Law
Download the Haifa Summer Law Institute Application Form.
The application form must be accompanied by a deposit of $200, which is non-refundable but will be applied toward tuition if student is enrolled. Acceptance to the program is conditional upon receipt of a letter of good standing from the applicant's home institution.
Please note that UBalt reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Haifa Summer Law Institute in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Thus students accepted into the program should refrain from purchasing non-refundable plane tickets until after they have been notified that they can do so. This notification will be sent within two weeks after the March 1 application deadline. In the event of cancellation, all deposits will be refunded.
Return applications by March 1, 2015 to:
Laurie Schnitzer, Program Coordinator
Haifa Summer Law Institute (11th FL, Suite K, Rm 1112)
University of Baltimore School of Law
1420 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
410.837.4689 or Fax 410.837.4560